
Showing posts from August, 2020

Natural Home Remedies to Increase Height and Body Weight

  How to increase height? A boy writes: I am 14 years old but only 4' 3" tall. Can you suggest something to help me get taller? This boy is definitely short for his age, but he can gain height up to the age of 24 years. In such cases take sunbath give the pride of place to fruits and vegetables in your diet  how to increase height after 21 for boys . The bone structure must remain elastic if one is to become taller. One must take exercise regularly. I suggest the following exercises will help one gain height: (i) Stand in an open space in "attention" position. In hale deeply through the nose and extend yours arms lifting then slowly up to your shoulders. Keep your arms straight. Hold that position for some time and then take the arms backwards as far as they will go. No inhale again the release your breath slowly, resuming the former position. (ii) Stand with your arms straight at right angles to your body. Lift the arms vertically and then bring them to the level of...

Advanced Yoga Poses

  Regular practice of yoga strengthens the body and the mind. There are some poses in yoga which should be practiced only after one has mastered the easy yoga asanas, that is, if one has a good hold on all the arm balances, inverted poses and backward bends, it is time to move on to the next level of poses which are called advanced yoga poses. A yoga practitioner should master the basic and intermediate yoga positions before moving on to the advanced ones  how to do mayurasana step by step . One major difference between the advanced and other ones is that the former needs immense strength and flexibility which is achieved only after regular practice of the basic as well as intermediate yoga poses for a considerable period of time. They are often very demanding and involve twisting of the body to look like some object or being from the nature. The ability to balance the body properly is another aspect of them as almost all the advanced asanas require the practitioner to balance...
It's a human nature to stay unsatisfied - at least psychology says so. Yes, most of us tend to stay unsatisfied for the most time of our life. Often we feel sad too much about the "first world problems" and feel as if only we're having those problems. For example, we feel sad about a hectically busy office schedule, an accidental spillage of coffee on our carpet, a frustrating sound that doesn't allow us to take a nap and other not-so-big problems. These problems are not a big deal at all - but at the end of day we feel sad about them  ardha baddha padma paschimottanasana sequence . And although changing our mind about these things is the best way to stay happy, still there are some happiness boosting yoga poses which can provide instant results to you. So in this article we're going to talk about 5 such poses: Sun Salutations: This pose helps me a lot in building my mood back and get rid of my "First World Problems." As I move through the sun saluta...

South India Tourism - Catering to All Your Desires

Delightful attractions, lesser invasions, richest temples, refreshing backwaters, thrilling wildlife safaris and much more - south India tourism welcomes tourists from all around the globe. This linguistic-cultural belt of India covers Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry. These five culturally rich places altogether present a unique and vibrant aspect of Indian tourism  kalaripayattu training . Beauty in Diversity * Starting with the natural beauty, places in Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu are blessed with some of the finest waterways, hills and greens. These places are ideal for relaxing as well adventure holidays. * Religious minded people can head towards Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. These two states are dotted with countless ancient rich Hindu temples. You can enjoy your trip at best if you are visiting these places during any festival. * Wildlife freaks can enjoy thrilling jungle safaris in the dense greens of Karnataka and Kerala. Mudumalai Wildlife S...

Yoga Poses For Weight Loss For Beginners

What is yoga? It's a kind of exercise that is known to be one of the most effective ones. Anyone who has tried it would know the difference and notice that it helps immensely in your weight loss endeavor. If you fit in the right basic poses, then the stretching and the exercises can let you achieve in making your body more flexible and slimmer  yoga for weight loss for women . Even though this might not seem too difficult, the hard part of it is to get in the pose and maintain it. Advantages of doing yoga Yoga is the kind of exercise that is bound to let more oxygen in your body because it makes your lungs stronger, and improves your respiratory system. On an average, most yoga poses need to be for around 15 seconds, but when it comes to the hard ones, even 5 seconds become too much. As you can already guess, no matter how easy it seems, it still has its effect. You can use it for various purposes, starting from weight loss to strengthening your muscles. Yoga poses: Half Moon Pose ...

Benefits of Yoga Poses For Weight Loss

Yoga has all around benefits on the human body and mind. Yoga has different meanings, one of which is balance and here it means the balance between body and mind to bring about a calming influence and endow you with quiet energy. There are dozens of various asanas in yoga. Some will stretch muscles; others will address the vital organs and glands; some will take care of the skeletal structure; some will improve the functioning of central nervous systems while others will improve circulation. When it comes to yoga poses for weight loss this gentle form of exercise can actually help burn calories. This is because yoga actually brings about internal balance and improves metabolism that in turn helps burn fat as well as improve digestion and absorption of nutrients. Some of the recommended asanas are setu bandhasana, naukasana, vakrasana, bhujangasana, shirshasana, sarvangasana, halasana and utthita hasta padangustasana. If you look closely, there are a certain sequences to performing each...

Yoga for Kids: 5 Easy Poses Kids Will Enjoy

Yoga for kids is a safe and playful way to help them learn about their bodies. It can help them learn how to breathe better and how to use their energy more effectively. More importantly, it will teach them about discipline early on in their lives. Yoga is an effective tool that will help introduce the concept of health and fitness to your children  yoga for arms and shoulders . Start teaching yoga for kids by doing the poses yourself for the children to imitate. Here are 5 easy yoga poses for kids that they will surely enjoy: 1. Flamingo One of the easiest yoga poses for kids is the Flamingo. If you've been practicing yoga for a while now, you'll recognize this pose as the Warrior 3 pose. It is great for strengthening the core and the legs as well as for improving balance. How to do it: Start by standing straight with your feet together. Extend your arms to the sides like wings, slowly lean forwards then kick your left leg behind you. For extra fun, flap your wings and squawk ...