It's a human nature to stay unsatisfied - at least psychology says so. Yes, most of us tend to stay unsatisfied for the most time of our life. Often we feel sad too much about the "first world problems" and feel as if only we're having those problems. For example, we feel sad about a hectically busy office schedule, an accidental spillage of coffee on our carpet, a frustrating sound that doesn't allow us to take a nap and other not-so-big problems. These problems are not a big deal at all - but at the end of day we feel sad about them ardha baddha padma paschimottanasana sequence.
And although changing our mind about these things is the best way to stay happy, still there are some happiness boosting yoga poses which can provide instant results to you. So in this article we're going to talk about 5 such poses:
Sun Salutations: This pose helps me a lot in building my mood back and get rid of my "First World Problems." As I move through the sun salutations, I feel more energized and focused on the present moment. And often that present moment is the thing which helps me in being cheerful again.
Camel Pose (Ustrasana): If you've been doing yoga from a few months at least, then you may already know that all backbends are energizing. So whenever I'm feeling down due to sadness, I start a backbend exercise. And out of all those backbends Camel Pose or Ustrasana is my favorite, mainly because stretching shoulders and chest seems easier to me in this one.
Feathered Peacock Pose (Pincha Mayurasana): I've experienced that inversions always work as happiness boosting poses for me. Heck, not for me only, my friends also feel the same. Along with happiness they also help in boosting confidence. And actually, if you feel it then you'll find it that it's almost impossible to be confident and sad at the same time. When confidence goes out, sadness comes in. So by boosting confidence you can get that sadness out of your mind and become cheerful once again. That's what can be accomplished by the help of this asana.
Happy Baby Pose: Hahaha! Even the name of this pose brings a smile to our face. Don't you like a happy baby? Who doesn't? I especially like the happy babies who take their properly scheduled naps naturally.
Reclined Bound Angle Pose (Supta Baddha Konasana): While feeling sad, have you ever noticed that breathes which you take in become shorter and breathes which you leave out become longer? Of course most of you might not have noticed it. After all, who gets the time of thinking scientifically while feeling sad? And if someone does, I would say that he's just a GENIUS (although you and I may laugh at him)! Well, back to the point. When I came to know about this fact by reading a study, I knew that it's time to try some breathing poses for getting back my lost happiness. So I tried Supta Baddha Konasana and I must say that the difference was amazing.
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